Tuesday, January 3

That's why they call him Fun

Fun Joel proposes trying really hard - without resolving anything - tracking the movies you see in a year. A good idea, since some sear the memory and some are lime Jell-o.

I'm going to try to keep my list in the sidebar in reverse chronological order, just for the sake of experiment. Darkness Visible reviews will keep coming, but you'll also see the movies I didn't review. I'm finding that some movies yield nothing after shaking and banging them to see how they work.


Fun Joel said...

Again, thanks for the shout-out. I didn't realize this was such a groundbreaking idea! ;-) But it is more for my own good than anything else. And once I watch The Incredibles on DVD later, I'll by 3 movies in 3 days in 2006!

BTW, I like what you did in teh sidebar and put us "generous and striving" folk above the pros. I think I'll do the same next time I rearrange my blog's sidebar!

Neal Romanek said...

For 3 or 4 years I kept track of my movie-watching religiously.

Did I say religiously?

I said religiously.

I had an Excel spreadsheet where I recorded the date, theater, director, who I saw it with, year of original release, and the title too, of course. It was a wonderful exercise. Lots of fun really. I like lists. And I like collecting things. And I like movies. Who could ask for more?

For some reason, last year, I stopped. Don't know why. Just stopped. Maybe I'll start again this year? Who knows?

One interesting thing I noticed: when I wrote down the movies I watched, I somehow ended up going to many more movies in the year than when I wasn't writing them down. Don't know why that works that way, but it does. Kind of cool.