Wednesday, December 14

Ho, ho, ho! Let's see what's in the sidebar for good boys and girls...

In a flush of end-of-year generosity to shine some light from the dark, dark Northeast, I'm adding to blog-pals over there (look right). I met some of you at the Expo or I read you regularly because you're pros or entertaining or both. Happy belated Christmahannakwanzica.


Neal: This guy does everything, and most important, sells cool merch. See not-the-Buddha. Me, too.

Fresh Hell: She lives on the frontier where game/film/TV creation is converging. In the next two weeks, this introvert is going to post something that you thought. But wouldn't admit. Or say as well.

Awful Writer: Because he had the good sense to pull together advice into the Hall of Fame and moved in with his MIL (Mother in Law) in the Hollywood Hills, which requires first great sense, then karma, and cojones. It was great to meet you, dude.

More pros and industry entertainment

The Artful Writer. Speaks for it(them)self.

Kung Fu Monkey. What can be said about Kung Fu that could possibly add anything to the Monkey?

Happy Fun Goodies!

These folks so thoroughly linked to that I'm going to spare them the insignificant traffic that might reach them from Darkness Visible. Still, I read them. Blog candy. I can quit anytime.

I find your lack of faith disturbing. Don't we all.
Query Letters I Love. Lesson: Never query the Empress.
Assistant/Atlas. Nothing succeeds like success.

If you got a lump of coal in this blogroll, send me a note. I know I met more of you than I've added here, but some of you didn't look at all like your home page.


OneEar said...

I have a blockbuster movie script that you might be intereseted in developing.

Neal Romanek said...

Thanks for the shout out.

I love to use the expression "shout out", even though I don't own a single hip-hop record.

My "word verification" word is "vlhiq".

vlhiq: n., often referred to in the Norse sagas, a vlhiq is a magical cord or rope.

Example: "And steer clear the vlhiq that does bind the Fenris Wolf."

John David Roberts said...

Ho! I bellow down the fiords (shout out) to all mine stalwart thanes (peeps) and lieges (brothuhs) at arms (in the scribosphere), foremost to he who binds the Fenris Wolf in vlhiq.